Booting from a USB stick

Started by delooch, September 03, 2008, 04:11:57 PM

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I dont know how many of you tinker with your pc's at home, but i found this very, very handy..

I usually run VM workstation to run multiple OS's on my PC at home, there have been a few times where the performance slowdown sucks or hardware isnt emulated properly..

So i tried out a few 'portable' versions of linux that will install directly to a USB thumbdrive (most worked on a 512k stick). - Its incredibly easy, plus you get full performance (no virtualization), when you are done you just unplug and go back to your primary OS.. Also allows you to boot any pc (as long as you can change the boot device to a USB drive) to whatever you want..

Very handy if you do this kind of stuff...