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Messages - loicaigon

🧐 Question: are you receiving #PDF files through your web_portal? Then how do you check for their quality? Best case scenario, you have set automated workflows that will grab the file, preflight the PDF and send an email some time later if something is wrong ❌(well it's mostly the case as you know already).
✋Wait, wouldn't that be nice that you could preflight the PDF file right away? Wouldn't it be nice to let the customer know that everything is REALLY fine 👍with file or in the contrary, why is the file problematic rather than delaying this feedback?
What if you could ✅ preflight_the_file_in_the_Cloud with an easy to deploy, scale and load-balance solution? Thats' what the PitStop Library Container is all about. ☁️ Deploy our Docker image on Premise Servers or on a Cloud Server and get preflight done through a simple REST API Call.
But I think the best way to get all the benefits of the Enfocus PitStop Library Container is to attend our 📽� Webinar on Apr 17th 4pm CET that I will co-host with my great colleague Angelo Manno. Come and take a chance to see the added value you could bring to your web portal!