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Messages - EmptyWords

Macintosh / Re: OSX Monterey and AFP to Windows server
November 11, 2022, 09:13:03 AM
Quote from: Joe on November 08, 2022, 12:28:50 PM
Quote from: RMPrepress on November 08, 2022, 11:40:43 AMWhat windows server version are you connecting to?
There is a chance you could be experiencing some conflicts between SMB versions 1-2-and 3
Agree with this. If you are on Windows 2012 Server or newer disable SMB 1 and enable SMB 2/3.

If you are on any Windows server older than 2012 it does not have SMB 2/3 so that would not be an option.
Quote from: RMPrepress on November 08, 2022, 01:22:48 PMHere is one of many articles on the internet about why and how to disable SMB 1 on Windows servers 2012 and later.

I agree, that link is a pretty good synopsis on what to do to audit and disable the SMB1 protocol, our main file servers (3) all have the outdated SMB1 protocol disabled.
Macintosh / Re: OSX Monterey and AFP to Windows server
November 03, 2022, 08:12:23 AM
Yea, I am w/ Joe on this one, we use Bridge on SMB shares all the time with no issues, been doing that for a long time now, we originally had the ExtremeZIP but around the launch of Mavericks when Apple depreciated the AFP protocol, we made the jump to almost all of our Macs using the SMB protocol (with the exception of two old Macs that run our ancient Topaz scanners) with no real issues.

As we have moved forward replacing old servers (2000, 2003 & 2008 Win Servers) to newer deployments of 2012, 2016 & 2019, along with newer Mac OS upgrades, we haven't looked back, AFP is pretty much a dead technology and I am actually really surprised that Apple has not completely removed the protocol from the newer Mac OS versions.
Macintosh / Re: New Shop Macs-Need Advice
October 06, 2022, 12:39:08 PM
Quote from: Tracy on October 06, 2022, 11:48:09 AMI get to purchase the computer today! I'm getting the Mac Studio M1 with the 64gb unified memory
not sure why they don't call it RAM but oh oh well, I'm going to get the Apple Care
should I get the Apple Care on the Monitor too? I think so
I'm going with the 512gb ssd storage
We just bought my coworker one exactly like the one you are buying, also bought him a 32" Samsung monitor along with a Thunderbolt multiport adapter, he's had it since April and loves it, will probably buy another next year to replace one of our folding carton workstations, unless they update the new iMac to have more ram than the measly 16gb the current one has. Hope it goes well for you!!!
The Rest... / Re: Affinity Publisher Info
July 25, 2019, 11:35:54 AM
Good to see someone else chime in with Agfa & Fuji workflows and that they are running fine.

As far as my issue w/ the page 2 B&W mapping to 4/c, it was our workflow that did it and not an issue w/ the pdf file itself. I found that when Artworks configured the system, they had an option to convert selected buried deep in the canvas, never even caught that in the 13+ years we have been running Odystar, go figure...
The Rest... / Re: Affinity Publisher Info
July 25, 2019, 10:12:37 AM
Ok you got me sooo curious about this, even stopped doing production files to see if the pdf(s) would run through our workflow, we are still using an old system(s) - Esko/Artwork Odystar v4.1.1 & Nexus v10.1 build 78, the initial pdf files crash our Odystar repeatedly, that had me stumped till I figured out where it was faltering.

When I opened the pdfs in Acrobat and did a save as and ran those files, the system chewed them them out pretty quick, the trapper had no problems w/ the file, Nexus had no problems after the save as too. The only other issue I ran into was on page 2 w/ the grey pic, it was tagged as US Web Coated (SWOP) v2 w/ data only in the black channel, our workflow converted it to 4/c, I will have to look into that, maybe cause the tagging, it went ahead and mapped the image to all four channels.

But... this is a pretty good exercise in possible issues to look for when/if we get any Affinity jobs/pdf files in here, which I am pretty sure will happen sooner or later, hell we get some clients sending in stuff done in Canva and for us those always give us problems, it's just a matter of time before those jobs/pdf files start showing up here.

Looking forward to more people (hopefully) getting in on the conversation and maybe testing the pdfs out on other workflows and any issues that arise and things to be aware of.
I can understand that, always helps to be self motivated, many are not, but I always like to learn new things and be able to understand what the software and equipment we use here can do and won't do. That seems to be a common trait the members on this site have.

I don't know if you are buying it through a Esko rep, but if you are, make sure to get them to check with the support crew that there are no known issues running the Zünd tables from a Mac under a vm.

Best of luck....


ArtiosCAD can be run on the 2012 mac pros easily using Parallels 13 or earlier or VMFusion (earlier than ver. 10).

Parallels 13 requires Mac OS X 10.10.5 or later, and as you stated Fusion 10 won't run on the 2012 MacPro, but Fusion 8 will and you can still find that version sold on the net. I know many who run ArtiosCAD in Parallels with no problems (we are one of them), but not to a cutting table (can't get the bosses to bite on that one, yet).

One of the Esko techs who visited us about a year ago to show us some new things in ArtiosCAD, AE and iCut had it running on his Mac laptop and had no issues, he said the thing you really need to make sure of is you have enough RAM installed for either Parallels or VMFusion, but both work just fine running the cad software.

As Joe stated, you will have to buy the Win OS for either Parallels or Fusion, have you looked at iCut as an alternative to ArtiosCAD, it's much cheaper than Artios, but I am not sure if they run older Zünd tables, might want to check with your Esko rep.

Esko / Re: Esko & DCS / Copy dot files
January 18, 2018, 01:04:48 PM
Well so much for the thought of the ticket creating a pdf that won't work in Pandora.

Plato would not solve any of your issues, but it sure will be the cause of new ones. Welcome to Esko, I remember learning ArtPro and the trainer going, you can do it this way or this way and again this way to achieve the exact same outcome, I was like why the hell do they have so many different ways to do the exact same thing, took me a while to get used to the way their software works and all the weird quirks they have, oh and all the pallets that ArtPro had, you could get lost fast fishing through all of them, brings back some feeling lost in the training memories for me.

I was thinking the same, but can understand the "it's how we do it" and we are not going to change, been there and done that many times. I can assure you you have a good grasp of what is going on there for someone with no training on the software, but that is a common theme in this industry, throw you to the wolves, and you can figure this out on the fly/just make it work mentality of the management.

The only thing I can think of is maybe something is wrong with the media boxes in the pdf that the AE convert to pdf did and that is shifting the one up from the cf2.

You do have some head scratchers to figure out, but you are making progress, which is aways good in this line of work. So far I have not been much direct help, but its been forcing me to re-remember a lot of what I have mostly forgotten. Memory lane...

No problem, hopefully you can get it worked out.

Esko / Re: Esko & DCS / Copy dot files
January 18, 2018, 12:10:48 PM
No problem, glad to try and help even though we don't currently use Esko Automation Engine yet.

The reason I asked about single vs multiple DCS files is I am wondering if the convert to pdf in AE combined the DCS sep files into one or kept them separated but just w/ a pdf wrapper, I know we had issues when we were testing out Pandora and trying out various types of files, that might have cause the issue of the error in Pandora.

Looks like the Normalized pdf might combine the seps into one to play nice with Pandora?? Don't know but glad you at least are able to place into Pandora without the error.

Is the Pandora layout a 1-up or a stepped up file that you export to the pdf file?

Plato is pretty much a dead program too, we looked at getting it a few years back when we got frustrated with Kodak and though of moving away from preps, but our sales rep and the software engineer we met with pretty much said find something else, it's too fickle and will never move forward from where it's currently at.

Does the AE ticket to make the final pdf layout do the stepping of a 1-up from Pandora?? Might be something going wrong w/ the stepper in the AE ticket, if so, have you tried to step the file in Pandora and submit that to the rip/trap ticket. I am not really familiar with AE yet, so am taking my experience w/ Nexus/Odystar, which AE is based off of, so I might be missing the mark, since they are generally the same but different workflows none the less.

Maybe someone else here might chime in with other ideas to help.

Esko / Re: Esko & DCS / Copy dot files
January 18, 2018, 09:06:41 AM
Ok, so let me take a stab at this, even though we are still stuck on the old Artworks/Esko workflows and have not moved to Automation Engine (at least yet), we did a while back have to work w/ CopyDot files, like you are currently dealing with.

The DCS files in question, are they a single pre-screened DCS file or are they a multi-part DCS file you are submitting to the Esko AE workflow?

Since you are using Pandora, I am not sure why you are using InDesign, we would just import the pdf that AE generated from the DCS file into our layout software (we use PowerLayout/PowerStepper, not Pandora), do the marks, color bars/dots and job information, then submit that to the workflow.

On the moire issue, sounds like AE maybe re-screening your files. I don't know if AE has an option to not screen and skip a pre-screened file, but that might help if it does have this option available to you. You also have to take into account what dpi the CopyDot files are 2400/2540 etc and if your rip is re-ripping/screening to a different dpi. 

I have not touched Pandora in at least 12 or 13 years, we tested that out along side of Esko's PowerLayout and opted for the latter, but I remember that Pandora had issues with some pdf files we tried to import, that was sometime ago and things may have changed. 

Have you tried to import the pdf file that AE made from the DCS file directly into Pandora, bypassing the InDesign import/export high rez pdf/AE rip&trap steps and do your marks, colorbars and info directly in Pandora, then submit to AE to rip/trap? That may fix the issue w/ Pandora generating the error.

As far as Rampage, FujiFilm acquired the company and Rampage is no longer in business or supported to my knowledge, Fuji did for sometime support Rampage but everyone I know who used Rampage have now switched to Fuji's XMF workflow or other system.

General Prepress / Re: Adobe Creative Cloud 2018...
October 20, 2017, 07:00:43 AM
Quote from: Joe on October 19, 2017, 11:48:10 AM
Quote from: DigiCorn on October 19, 2017, 11:24:48 AM
Quote from: Farabomb on October 19, 2017, 11:13:24 AM
Quote from: DigiCorn on October 19, 2017, 10:56:12 AMHere's another big F-U... Suitcase Fusion hasn't updated for CC yet and now auto-activation is gone. And apparently CC sees font names differently, because even when force activated, they don't sync up right. Obviously, there's workarounds, but it's an extra step (for now).
Didn't you post yesterday saying that you don't use font management anymore?  :huh:
I forgot to preface that with saying, "at my old shop." But I also could have been lying/BS-ing. You never know with me.

One + to CC2018. When placing a file now, the "Show Import Options" default is now shown, rather than hidden.

The stupid-ass document size and position is still NOT remembered if you have application frame turned off in Indy. I hate using the application frame but if you don't your document window is under your toolbar and pallets. FU Adobe.
This has been a pain in my ass for a very long time with Adobe, since CS6 I have been opening a blank document then position and size it they way I want, so every doc I open with the blank open, will keep the size and position I want, still stupid as hell that I have to do that anyway.
Esko / Re: ArtPro + v14.1
June 13, 2017, 11:06:03 AM
Thanks G_Town, we use Neo only in our general production department, since we don't have ArtPro, but our packaging division does have and uses ArtPro everyday, I would love for them to get us ArtPro for us to use, but you know how that goes w/ the bean counters.

Neo is our de-facto pdf turd polisher, the junk we get from some clients, all standard offset and digital, no packaging and the extensive edits they always want us to do to their pdfs, would be a nightmare if we didn't have Neo and had to do in something like pitstop/acrobat.

Are you using Neo as a replacement for ArtPro??? If so I can see why you dislike it, that's like trying to use a moped when you actually need a box truck to get your job delivered.

Hopefully what they have been touting to us about it being the "unified editor" turns out to be true and we can replace all our ArtPro and Neo seats with just ArtPro+....... I HOPE!!!

Any info would always be greatly appreciated.
Esko / Re: ArtPro + v14.1
May 16, 2017, 07:43:02 AM
Good info Captain_Type, Neo has been invaluable to us for the past several years, don't really want to think about not having that in our arsenal, with the work we do. We use it every single day, without exception.

I have not been able to test out the prerelease of ArtPro+ as of yet, our ArtPro is stuck on 10.1 due to the OS being too old, I have seen a few quick walk-thrus from Esko, but it is always good to hear from someone who has actually played with it.

If you don't mind, when you do get it and work with it in a production environment for a while, could you post your thoughts/experiences with it????
Esko / Re: Nexus V8 manager for Mac
May 16, 2017, 07:29:11 AM

Just sent you a message. Hope one works for you....
Any issues, let me know.

Esko / Re: Nexus V8 manager for Mac
May 09, 2017, 06:53:26 AM
Hey Dimi,

Do you know what version of 8 you would need, I found some old ones on our defunct Nexus server I can send your way if you could use them.

This is all that I found on our old box for Nexus 8....
Nexus Manager 8.4 Rev 3 and Rev 4 (PowerPC)
Nexus Manager 8.5 Rev 1, Rev 2 and Rev 3 (Universal)
Nexus Manager 8.6 Rev 1 - Rev 4 (Universal)

Anything older than that we long since tossed.
