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Messages - David 1122

Agfa Systems / Apogee X vers. 2.5 compatible?
May 02, 2019, 02:08:56 PM

I am currently running AGFA Apogee X vers. 2.5 on the computer at my work which uses Windows 7 as an OS. I just got the notice that 7 will not be receiving security updates as of Jan. of next year. Does anyone know if this version of Apogee is compatible with Windows 10?

Any info or feedback would be greatly appreciated!

Kodak Preps / Preps 5.2 compatibility?
May 02, 2019, 02:05:32 PM

I am using Windows 7 Pro on my work computer and just got a notice that security updates for it will stop in January next year. I have Kodak Preps 5.2 on it and I'm asking if it would be compatible with Windows 10.
Any info or feedback would be greatly appreciated!

Looking for Work / Work slowing down. A *lot*
May 02, 2019, 02:02:13 PM
Hello! New member of this board, first time posting.

I work at a small printing company here in OKC, OK and my work has slowed down a lot in the past few weeks. Most days, I'm having to make up things to do to make myself *look* busy.  :)
I've sent some resumes and applications out, but so far, just general interest, "thanks for your time", etc..
I've been in printing for more than 20 years, started here in the pre-press/digital printing area about 7 years ago when a co-worker/friend left for another job and he recommended me for the position.
I do some graphic work, but so far, haven't created anything original other than things for myself. I have been updating my skill-set in the Adobe software when I can.
Any help here?
