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Messages - PrepressPrincess

Kodak Systems / Prinergy LPV
November 18, 2008, 01:07:53 PM
Hello everybody!  I'm back after my couple of weeks of hell.  Leave it to this place to upgrade during our busiest time of the year.  I was going to stop by and lay down a rant or two last week, but I would've filled that space up fast due to all the BS I had to deal with last week.  Anway, yep, I'm here for a reason.  I'm working on this LPV as before my company would never put out the money for it, now they are willing but I have to prove to them that it can/will work for us on a temp license first so time is of the essence.  My question is when I set up to link refined pages etc, go and impose the job (2 different bases btw) under seperations it names the bases as whatever version it's for.  Instead of say ABase it's called a083, a323, a8000.  WTH?  I just want it to say ABase or BBase and that is what I named them in my version plan.  Hopefully this makes sense to somebody out there.  DCS, I'm looking in your direction!  Can anyone help me?  I always say "Thank You"   ha ha!
Anything interesting happen in my absence?  As I'm sure I was missed by all.  Yeah, that's suppose to be funny as none of you know that much about me anyway....Enjoy your day!
Kodak Systems / Re: Prinergy 4.0.2 Refining Question
November 04, 2008, 10:07:59 AM
Yes, we are using  When I was refining this particular PDF I was using the CPSI engine with leave as is.  I see they say to use the PDF print engine with caution and this makes me a little nervous.  The worst part of all of this is that many of our customers don't supply us with proofs of any kind and this puts a whole lot of responsibility on us to catch if there are any transparency problems.  Would you suggest for this maybe I preflight in pitstop all PDFs that come in without proofs to see if transparency is used and then resave to drop that version number down.  I guess what I'm asking is what kind of workflow would you suggest I go with?  I work with about 80% customer supplied PDFs.  I appreciate and consider all recommendations!
Thank You!
Kodak Systems / Prinergy 4.0.2 Refining Question
November 03, 2008, 02:57:16 PM
I'm going to try to not sound like an ass when i ask this question, but here goes:
We just upgraded to Prinergy 4.0.2 last week.  Today I get this very fancy ad in loaded with transparencies.  It is my understanding that Prinergy can now handle transparencies so I go along my merry way with this.  Well, under normal refine circumstances I get a color difference.  It looks to me like wherever I have a drop shadow on this job I'm having problems.  See attached screen capture PDF, color should all be the lighter blue no dark blue.  So, I go in and check the properties on the original PDF sent to me and it was created out of ID CS3 and saved as PDF 1.6 (Acrobat 7).  So just to get the job to get hopping I save it as a PDF/X blah blah blah and it worked fine.  No color differences and I'm now ready to plate.  I'm just now stuck trying to figure out why Prinergy did not process this file correctly to begin with.  The only issue Prinergy says it has with 1.6 files is open type fonts and I'm not having any font problems.  One other thing I did try was was when I refined it I changed the setting for Flatten to PDF 1.3 to Leave As Is and this also worked.  So what gives?  Everytime I refine a PDF with transparencies (oh about 95% of the time) should I always leave the Leave As Is when refining?  Is this doing other things to my PDF that maybe I'm not aware of?  Maybe I'm putting too much thought into this.  I just naturally thought one of my favorite new friends might be able to help a girl out.  Thanks again and as always I appreciate your input.
Kodak Systems / Re: Prinergy Error Message
October 14, 2008, 07:12:10 AM
Hello!  I get it when refining.  Comes to a screeching red X halt.
Kodak Systems / Prinergy Error Message
October 13, 2008, 12:10:26 PM
This isn't really a big deal because I just resaved the PDF as PDF/X (love it!) and it went through fine, but was wondering if anyone can tell me what in the world this error message means when I try to refine the original file:
Conversion Error
PDF to PS Conversion Error
Implementation Limit Exceeded

I just want to know in layman's terms what the heck that means.

BTW...Prinergy 3.0 (upgrading in two weeks

Adobe Acrobat / Re: Acrobat - PitStop 08 - CS4
October 07, 2008, 10:00:46 AM
Select Object arrow, select photo which then brings up enfocus inspector make sure you are in the fill and stroke and there is the little fly out menu on the right that you can pick convert to gray.  I just tried it and it worked for me.  One of the really smart people here might know something different. This one intrigued me to "test" it though.  See, now I've learned something new too.
Yep, I checked that out in my quest to find a baseball conversation (NONE!) so I found myself in there nosing around.  I didn't have anything to contribute there myself, but the conversations were quite amusing.  That was fun.
Wow!  This conversation is still going?  Just a little footnote.  After tons of testing (anything to look busy, today) It all narrowed down to the background of my page.  If I took my Quark doc, deleted the background the images printed fine with the shadows.  Well except for one picture box that was rotated (no, no, no designers!) then if I deleted the dropshadows the background and images printed fine.  So, not both together.  I opened the background in illustrator, rasterized it with a white background and relinked and what do you know, it ALL worked great.  So, another problem solved.  I must admit, I have really learned alot about this through all you guys/gals!  Again, I can't thank you enough.....Mmmm, on to my next problem......
Anonymity is fun!  See if you can find me on myspace!
Okay, I got some work to do now! 
Remember GO WHITE SOX!  And I really need the cubs to get their asses kicked to silence the bs these cub fans keep trying to feed me!
Enjoy the rest of your day, whatever time it is, wherever in the heck you are!  To be cheesy for a minute:
It's 5 o'clock somewhere!  Okay, cheesiness done!
Hey, I thought we were keeping that in the pm section!
DCS, if you ever find yourself in the Chicagoland area, I owe you many drinks!
thankyou thankyou thankyou!
WOW!  You are some kind of genius!  Thank you so much!  You have no idea how much I appreciate this!  I'm downloading right now and will be taking a look at it right away.  Unless, of course something blows up in my face within the next 10 minutes (haha).  You are not my prince anymore, but my King!
Hey, check out my new pic!  I figured it was very suiting for an angry princess.
Hooray!  I can't wait to hear it.  Although, by the sounds of it, maybe I don't??  This makes me a bit nervous!  I will continue patiently waiting.