A few kodak Insite questions?

Started by Exploded, September 18, 2009, 12:49:15 AM

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Hello All,

We are thinking of moving our on-line ordering system to Kodak Insite and I have a few questions I am hoping someone can help me with.

As I understand it requires just one initial set up cost, does anyone know approximately how much this is?

Also does it have a per order click rate or once you have it set up are all orders free?

Are the web2print templates made using Indesign and uploaded?

Is it an overall good package?



Kodak Prinergy and InSite
Epson P7000 driven by Fiery XF
Screen 16000N
Screen R36000ZX
3 web presses, 1 sheetfed press
G7 Expert


Right, they're 2 products, although if you opt for StoreFront it "lives" within the InSite install & is tied to Order Processing. InSite alone is primarily for Clients to submit jobs that are auto-processed, it can tie in to numerous products for Remote Proofing, Auto-Imposition and the Rules Based Automation.

StoreFront is where your variable jobs are handled. It also does Fulfillment type orders if you're warehousing materials without any upfront production. Templates for ordering Variable products are created using Kodak's Darwin, it's an InDesign only functional app and also has its own module called Darwin pilot for specifying Rules, Data sets etc.

As for costs, I 'm not sure. I know there's the initial fee, and then modules like the RBA & Auto-Imposition are additional. I think the StoreFront install has fees based on the number of Users you activate too.

Overall, it has potential but I honestly don't see it as being a fully automated workflow. At least, not for our environment. Ask away, I'll answer what I can!

Oh, has Kodak done any demos or pitch meetings to you yet? Storefront Version 6 is supposed to release in October some time, I'm really looking forward to it from early reports on improvements.
A little diddie 'bout black 'n cyan...two reflective colors doin' the best they can.


Thanks Slappy. I will contact kodak on monday to get the demos happening. Have you made many web2print templates using Darwin and in-design, if so is it hard to do?

I guess when it comes down to the crunch its all about the $$$ .


I wouldn't say Darwin is "hard" but it's certainly quirky. Right now, we're running Version 2 & for reasons I can't explain, in order to upload templates to the Prinergy StoreFront interface, it has to be run on the Windows side, in CS3. Which means any designs that come in from a Mac person we have to get over to the Windows side to create the variable elements. It's not a huge deal, we Export the static elements as EPS/PDF and place them into a new Darwinized InDesign file & go from there.

The whole process is somewhat laborious as well. I won't go into detail, but it's just not the most stream-lined process. hoping it gets better with future versions of StoreFront & Darwin, but we'll see.
A little diddie 'bout black 'n cyan...two reflective colors doin' the best they can.