CID/Identity-H fonts & PREPS?

Started by frailer, January 24, 2008, 05:00:08 AM

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Have a situation, [I've brought this up before...maybe PPF], where someone is having trouble with these fonts going through PREPS, [PostScript in and out]. Does not-nice things to them or drops them out. Unfortunately can't be more specific cos not directly involved in the job. I believe, if the flow stays all PDF to the RIP, usually no problem. PDFs preflight without error in Acro Pro 7. Show all embedded nice the list. Even got in and ninja'd the source Indy CS3 doc as well...all good. No missing fonts.
Wish I knew more about the background to this sort of problem involving double-byte fonts, and WTF PREPS does with 'em to stuff 'em up.
just flying a kite again, is all.  :-\
the obvious answer is to PDF in and PDF out...but that doesn't address the "human" factor.   ::)

...could post over at GUA Forums. Do I have the energy? No.  :P
Forgotten good guys: Dennis Ritchie, Burrell Smith, Bill Atkinson, Richard Stallman
Now just an honorary member.


Just one more reason why postscript is dead. Direct to PDF IMO is the only way to retain font and file integrity anymore. My solution was to convert all fonts to outlines before post-scripting, thank God I no longer have that issue...
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