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Messages - seratne

Fujifilm XMF / Re: Remember Client Password
November 12, 2018, 04:11:05 PM
Silly that it's not part of the login dialog, but there is an option to save them:

Tools > Preferences > Remember Login Passwords
Macintosh / Re: Need a good scanner for Mac High Sierra
October 31, 2018, 12:54:31 PM
About 10 years back we had a need for a really good scanner. Even the Epson V850 pro wouldn't be sufficient for them. So we bought a SCSI drum scanner off ebay for less than $500. Even came with a UMax clone running OS8.5. After some icc and a few touchups oil mounted slides came out looking the bees knees.

Back to the OP though. Have you tried Vuescan?
Adobe InDesign / Re: Xmpie or Fusion Pro
September 21, 2018, 02:14:38 PM
Quote from: pspdfppdfxhd on September 20, 2018, 12:51:33 PMDoes anyone know if fusion pro would support multilple data files? Even being able to use 2 at once would be useful.

If you mean cross referencing data files, yes. You just create a rule to load the external data file "OnJobStart", then another rule to find the matching row or rows and return the value.
Adobe InDesign / Re: Xmpie or Fusion Pro
September 20, 2018, 11:30:19 AM
Another thing to consider between the InDesign plugins (XMPie, SmartStream, DesignMerge) is that while you're processing the job you can't use InDesign. With FusionPro all of the work is done in Acrobat, but there's a separate application that does the processing so you're machine isn't tied up. There are server versions of XMPie and SmartStream, but I'm pretty sure you need to add at least a zero to the price.

FusionPro does kind of suck when it tries to keep formatting though. Leading, font sizes, colors, line breaks, forced caps, etc. need to be double checked.

As far as scripting languages, I would say FusionPro and JS is much easier than QLingo. If you need a custom javascript to let's say change a dollar amount to words instead of numbers (like on a check), you can just google for it and it'll probably be on stackoverflow for you to copy and paste. To do that in QLingo would require a lot more expertise in programming. We frequently do jobs in excess of 100,000 records with multiple pages in FP.

CTP - CTF / Re: Azura plates
November 12, 2014, 06:55:30 PM
No random spots here on the Azura. Could be that they were just test plates, or that they weren't cleaned all the way.

We're actually thinking of moving from the Azura to the LH-PJ plates. Do you have the Fuji processor (FLH-Z)? If so, what's the maintenance like on it? Anything that makes you want to take a sledgehammer to it?
We're looking at replacing our 11 year old platesetter, and 5 year old workflow. And, from looking at it if we switched to Fuji, the ROI would be about 18 months between upgrading our Agfa Azura system or switching to Fuji LH-PJ. Just worried about dealing with a plate that could be a pain in the ass.
CTP - CTF / Re: Azura plates
November 11, 2014, 10:32:31 PM
Digi, just carefully take the Heidelberg label off, the Agfa one is probably underneath it. They are absolutely the same, we had Heidelberg a while back, and they had a shortage of their plates, so they sent us some direct from Agfa.
CTP - CTF / Re: Azura plates
November 11, 2014, 07:26:48 PM
Unfortunately, the Agfa Azura plates are pretty good (not an Agfa fan). Very consistent, low maintenance, long storage times, high contrast, decent run lengths. The gum unit doesn't need running water, or a drain. And you can just dump it down the sink. No worries from the pressman about processing the plates on press (Fuji). The only downside is they are more expensive than the Fuji no process plates. They end up being about 10K more expensive per year for our shop. And that's just about the tipping point for the ease of use, reliability, etc. We figured out with the shorter make readies and being able to make plates a couple weeks in advance if need be that it's just about a wash price wise between the two. But having less headaches with the Agfa plates gives them the edge.

Why can't Fuji just add an offline processor for their plates?
The Rest... / Re: Fusion Pro... PC or Mac
September 26, 2014, 07:52:02 AM
I'm not having the same issues as Digi with stability. The latest build is actually alot more stable for me than previous versions. I do have issues with text styling not translating from InDesign to Fusion, which I think is better on the PC. But the PC version is supposedly slower. And it runs on a PC, so unless all of your fonts are OTF, I don't see a benefit to dealing with even more font issues.

Feature wise, I believe they're the same. I say go with the Mac version. If it's unstable for you, you can always deactivate and switch over to the PC version.
Random Technology / Re: Laptop ideas
September 06, 2014, 11:10:14 AM
The Lenovo Yoga is pretty good. Not much crapware preinstalled. Backlit keyboard. High res screen. The yoga part of it is surprisingly useful if you're reading or watching video on it. And it's decently priced.
Fujifilm XMF / Re: Halo around image
August 29, 2014, 08:05:52 AM
Not sure if XMF has it, but in Apogee there is a "Emulate Overprint" checkbox when mapping a spot to process. This might be the option you're looking for to fix the problem.
Looking for Work / Re: resume
August 07, 2014, 09:54:52 PM
Totally agree with DCurry. If QuarkXpress is spelled wrong, in the trash it goes. Also, if you have no idea what workflow you were using at your last job, the interview is over. Same for the proofers, platesetters, etc. Only put things on your resume that you're sure of also. If given files to work on as a test, don't ask what needs to be done as an open-ended question. Ask, do you want A or B. Don't assume other shops' workflows are setup the same as what you're used to. Ask, should I make sure all of the Black is correctly knocked out / overprinting up front, or will the workflow handle that.

I think in future interviews I'm going to start asking people if they've ever been to, just to see if they care, or if they're a sausage.
No, it would be 4 color, Reflex Blue, Magenta, Yellow, and Black.
Kind of meant as a joke...
Put reflex blue in the cyan unit, and tell the pressman to hold back the magenta on press?
CTP - CTF / Re: cp85
July 28, 2014, 11:43:42 AM
Ha,a brush test! We took our brushes out, since just the rollers are able to squeegee all of the emulsion/gum off. We usually rotate the rollers every time we do a major clean out of the processor (about every 3 months).  to make sure they wear evenly.

I know you can adjust the roller gap. I think it's in the service manual that you should have with the processor. You might need to create some paper shims to keep the rollers in place, they clips holding them in could be flexing.
The Rest... / Re: Mail list sorting
July 06, 2014, 06:32:02 PM
Youston what did you not like about AccuZip. We currently run Satori BulkMailer, and were looking to change over, mainly because from what I can gather Accuzip can be automated. We also run into a few issues with Satori's mail.dat implementation, and sometimes it flakes out and won't output all of the records from a sort to an xlsx or csv.

I've also run BCC MailManager a while back, and it was a lot more flexible. While not as "wizard" friendly I could get work through it a lot faster than BulkMailer.

I haven't looked at PostalSoft, mainly because it's the most expensive option out there.