Scatter Proofs Failing

Started by Slappy, August 26, 2014, 09:12:05 AM

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This just started happening recently, and not even on every workstation running the client. It appears that if we try to run Scatter Proofs from the Pages space, and the view is set to Thumbnails, they've started failing without any specific error. Changing to a List View & running them (so far) seems to be fine. But, wtf??
A little diddie 'bout black 'n cyan...two reflective colors doin' the best they can.


And of course, the first Scatter Proof I sent today using the List view - fails!! Switched back to Thumbnail view - success.  :banghead:

Starting to wonder if it's a bad network connection, it's so random.
A little diddie 'bout black 'n cyan...two reflective colors doin' the best they can.