
Workflows => Fujifilm XMF => Topic started by: frailer on October 15, 2010, 02:32:46 PM

Title: New rendered 3D proofing
Post by: frailer on October 15, 2010, 02:32:46 PM
Just upgraded to v3 this week. The old 3D proofing from the updated page list is still there, but just a caution on using the rendered version. If you choose to run the rendered up-front, which in most cases you will, as you'll be pre-proofing for customers; beware of any rerenders later on. If you don't intend to use subsequent 3D proofs during edit/page replacement rounds, make sure you go in and turn off Rendered 3D, accessing the window via the little 3D Book icon.
This will mean if you are re-RIPing for plate output, you won't also be rerendering an unwanted 3D as well. Can't say how much time it adds, but was noticeable.