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Messages - ninjaPB_43

CMS - Proofing - Printers / Moving an Epson 7900
February 05, 2020, 04:55:33 PM
Hello old friends...   I am in the process of moving an Epson 7900 from our photo studio to our corporate office. Its about a 10 minute drive. I'm wanting to prep the printer for the move and lock down any moving parts that can be damaged or thrown out of alignment... 

I'm looking for any advice, suggestions, things to watch for, etc...   that could go wrong. We're just going to load it into company van and bring it over, so I want to make sure it's safe for the trip.



Quote from: pspdfppdfxhd on February 26, 2019, 04:22:14 PMWell Canada passed a law permitting Cannabis use for WHATEVER THE HELL YOU WANNA USE IT FOR. Very strange, you order it online from a government website and the pot is rated sort of like hot sauces on the potency scale, can't say i have splurged, but don't promise that I won't in the future. You can walk down the street here now, puffin on a doobie, totally legal.

 One day....  [sigh] One day.... :ninja:
Enfocus / Re: "Processed with 'GPC'"? - What is this?
February 12, 2019, 03:05:46 PM
Quote from: Joe on February 06, 2019, 09:24:10 PM
Quote from: mc hristel on February 06, 2019, 07:12:56 PMWe just had a job go through that it was claimed at some point was going to be black only plate changes, but guess what? Brown type is not black only so full plate changes all around! :banana:

It boggles my mind that people using InDesign don't know to put all the 4 color in one InDesign file and then put each black version type changes in its own layer in that document. Output a PDF for each version with the base layer and only the black changes layer for that version turned on. Abracadabra....perfection. So easy a monkey could do it.


There's even a script for outputting versions of a base layer!!

Looking for Work / Re: PrePress/Printing Consultant?
February 12, 2019, 02:30:45 PM
Quote from: Regina on February 07, 2019, 09:51:36 AMHello. I stopped working for an undesirable employer of 12 years last June. I really don't want to make a lateral move to another print shop. I have been in printing doing mostly prepress for 25 years. What are your thoughts on prepress or printing consulting? I tried to do some print brokering, but the competition with online printers is fierce and I am not the best sales person. I was hoping to consult new graphic artists and or office managers that try to do their own printing but get unexpected results from their errors. I haven't found many resources for this kind of project and it's currently just an idea. Does anyone think this could work?


You could consider looking for corporate marketing departments that are hiring....    If they're doing any major advertising - they probably have a team of designers that won't have the necessary skills to send clean files to printers.  I didn't really know this role existed until I got into my current role with a national retailer...  My team is responsible for managing internal proofing, and then packaging approved files to send to our various printers around the country.  ....just a thought, and probably worth looking.  :ninja:
Looking for Work / Re: PrePress/Printing Consultant?
February 12, 2019, 02:25:23 PM
Quote from: born2print on February 07, 2019, 12:38:04 PMThis guy made a living doing it, sort of...

I had the pleasure of sitting in one of Taz's seminars on Lightroom at Print '18. Pretty amazing guy, and super smart... 
General Prepress / Re: HAPPY NEW YEARS TO ALL!
January 08, 2019, 08:57:03 AM
I love how I click on a Happy New Year thread and find a discussion about keyboards...  I see nothing has changed in B4Print land...   keep up the good work.


and Happy New Year to all you fine folks.  :ninja: 
CMS - Proofing - Printers / Re: Poll: Work Lighting
December 13, 2018, 10:38:13 AM
I appreciate everyone's feedback - it's about what I expected (mix of overhead and none other than cpu), but good to have actual (albeit small) sampling of real world examples. So, thanks! and Cheers.  :ninja:
CMS - Proofing - Printers / Re: Poll: Work Lighting
December 13, 2018, 10:34:29 AM
Quote from: motormount on December 12, 2018, 12:29:26 PMok, that's why 5500k lamps are called daylight, but even if you are not working in Michigan you might need dead on balls accuracy late in the afternoon, so you'd better have proper office lighting than waiting for the sun to move straight up over your head!

Exactly. Also, many times press checks come at night. I'm pretty sure no one, client or printer, want to say - y'know what? Put that press on idle until the sun comes out - I gotta look at this thing outside.  :facepalm:
CMS - Proofing - Printers / Re: Poll: Work Lighting
December 04, 2018, 11:26:09 AM
Quote from: DigiCorn on December 04, 2018, 11:20:02 AMI've worked with overhead fluorescents, skylights only and desk lamps exclusively. My preference is the desk lamp, because I don't always like a lot of light, except when I do.

Well that was super helpful.  :rotf:
CMS - Proofing - Printers / Re: Poll: Work Lighting
December 04, 2018, 11:16:15 AM
Quote from: Possum on December 04, 2018, 10:32:45 AMI've never worked with anything but overhead flourescents. There was a period where I'd work in the dark with just the light from the window which looked out into the plant floor at my back. That was kind of cool.

I'm surprised by that - seems like all the shops I've been in, its always dark(er) in the prepress area. I know our photo studio is super dark, and everyone just has little personal lamps on their desk.

I'm reading now about lighting levels - (2008)

And I've downloaded Lux Light Meter Pro on my phone for measuring the light levels in our room. (no, I'm not buying a calibrated Luxmeter).  Luxmeter vs Luxmeter app on various iOS and device - (2016)
CMS - Proofing - Printers / Re: Poll: Work Lighting
December 04, 2018, 10:24:52 AM
Quote from: Joe on December 04, 2018, 08:25:58 AMPeople still use viewing booths? Must be the big leagues. :rotf:

Merry Christmas 43!

I'm surprised no one has developed color accurate proofing from a smart phone yet...   ::)  :shoots_self:  :hello:

Merry Christmas to you as well Joe.
CMS - Proofing - Printers / Re: Poll: Work Lighting
December 04, 2018, 10:21:36 AM
Quote from: scottrsimons on December 04, 2018, 07:01:30 AMWhen I was reading your message I was surprised to see you were using the view booths as your lighting, those bulbs aren't cheap. I'm not a color guy, but I do know, that you should be prepared for a little bit of time while you adjust to the different color of the light on your screen and how that will affect your color moves.

You're correct - they're not cheap..  I replaced the bulbs in January just a few months after starting here because they were 3+ yrs old and had been being run M-F 8-6...  We continued that through this year ("status quo"), and now I'm approaching the 1yr mark with the bulbs (over 2500 hrs). I'm not really wanting to spend the money to replace them again (plus it seems wasteful to throw out bulbs that still work). I have one of the GTI cards that has the color stripes that tell you if the lights are still good - but still would like to try and lengthen their life.

I will be making the change for myself and co-worker but wanted to determine the preferred lighting that helps with eye fatigue while also allowing us to maintain what we're seeing on our monitors when we make moves.

CMS - Proofing - Printers / Poll: Work Lighting
December 03, 2018, 05:24:13 PM
Research time and I would like your opinions and preferences...

My current setup (under review) is that my coworker and I are in a large storage closet style room (8' x 18' ...ish)  dedicated to color accuracy. We have a double wide viewing booth, and two desks. The walls are painted a neutral gray, and we have no windows. The door out usually remains open so we have some typical overhead fluorescent coming in - but otherwise the lighting from the viewing booth is on all-day every-day. We leave the overheads in our room off, and neither of us have desk lamps.

I'm considering switching us to desk lamps and only turning on the viewing booth lights while we're looking at proofs in an attempt to lengthen the life of the booth light bulbs.

Opinions? Thoughts? Considerations? Christmas tithings?  (all welcomed)


Interesting that this topic went unanswered...   AR and Interactive Print was very prevalent at Print 18. It is coming...  and fast.

Any prepress operator that wants to stay ahead of the curve and learn new stuff - needs to be looking at how to manage (and edit/manipulate) all the interactive assets that get attached (embedded) into printed images.

...just saying.

Anybody here have any experience? I'm digging my teeth in, but still super wet behind the ears.
General Prepress / Re: Sabon... the font from hell
August 08, 2018, 04:26:33 PM
Quote from: david on August 08, 2018, 03:17:13 PMwell yeah...
I can always use help, it gives me another reason to drink.


We're supposed to have reasons to drink?
