Poll: Work Lighting

Started by ninjaPB_43, December 03, 2018, 05:24:13 PM

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What style of desk/office lighting is your preferred space?  (Mark all that apply)

Ambient Lighting
2 (16.7%)
Task Lighting
2 (16.7%)
Accent Lighting
0 (0%)
Desk lamp - please specify bulb wattage and color in comments and why
1 (8.3%)
Overhead (Recessed or bulb)
1 (8.3%)
Overhead (Typical fluorescent)
5 (41.7%)
1 (8.3%)
3 (25%)
No light other than my computer
5 (41.7%)
No preference
0 (0%)

Total Members Voted: 12


Research time and I would like your opinions and preferences...

My current setup (under review) is that my coworker and I are in a large storage closet style room (8' x 18' ...ish)  dedicated to color accuracy. We have a double wide viewing booth, and two desks. The walls are painted a neutral gray, and we have no windows. The door out usually remains open so we have some typical overhead fluorescent coming in - but otherwise the lighting from the viewing booth is on all-day every-day. We leave the overheads in our room off, and neither of us have desk lamps.

I'm considering switching us to desk lamps and only turning on the viewing booth lights while we're looking at proofs in an attempt to lengthen the life of the booth light bulbs.

Opinions? Thoughts? Considerations? Christmas tithings?  (all welcomed)


People will notice the change in your attitude towards them, but won't notice their behavior that made you change.  -Bob Marley


Use the overheads until you need the kelvins? :laugh:


When I was reading your message I was surprised to see you were using the view booths as your lighting, those bulbs aren't cheap. I'm not a color guy, but I do know, that you should be prepared for a little bit of time while you adjust to the different color of the light on your screen and how that will affect your color moves.
"Your superior intellect is no match for our puny weapons!" - Homer J. Simpson


People still use viewing booths? Must be the big leagues. :rotf:

Merry Christmas 43!
Mac OS Sonoma 14.2.1 (c) | (retired)

The seven ages of man: spills, drills, thrills, bills, ills, pills and wills.


Quote from: scottrsimons on December 04, 2018, 07:01:30 AMWhen I was reading your message I was surprised to see you were using the view booths as your lighting, those bulbs aren't cheap. I'm not a color guy, but I do know, that you should be prepared for a little bit of time while you adjust to the different color of the light on your screen and how that will affect your color moves.

You're correct - they're not cheap..  I replaced the bulbs in January just a few months after starting here because they were 3+ yrs old and had been being run M-F 8-6...  We continued that through this year ("status quo"), and now I'm approaching the 1yr mark with the bulbs (over 2500 hrs). I'm not really wanting to spend the money to replace them again (plus it seems wasteful to throw out bulbs that still work). I have one of the GTI cards that has the color stripes that tell you if the lights are still good - but still would like to try and lengthen their life.

I will be making the change for myself and co-worker but wanted to determine the preferred lighting that helps with eye fatigue while also allowing us to maintain what we're seeing on our monitors when we make moves.

People will notice the change in your attitude towards them, but won't notice their behavior that made you change.  -Bob Marley


Quote from: Joe on December 04, 2018, 08:25:58 AMPeople still use viewing booths? Must be the big leagues. :rotf:

Merry Christmas 43!

I'm surprised no one has developed color accurate proofing from a smart phone yet...   ::)  :shoots_self:  :hello:

Merry Christmas to you as well Joe.
People will notice the change in your attitude towards them, but won't notice their behavior that made you change.  -Bob Marley


I've never worked with anything but overhead flourescents. There was a period where I'd work in the dark with just the light from the window which looked out into the plant floor at my back. That was kind of cool.
Tall tree, short ropes, fix stupid.


Quote from: Possum on December 04, 2018, 10:32:45 AMI've never worked with anything but overhead flourescents. There was a period where I'd work in the dark with just the light from the window which looked out into the plant floor at my back. That was kind of cool.

I'm surprised by that - seems like all the shops I've been in, its always dark(er) in the prepress area. I know our photo studio is super dark, and everyone just has little personal lamps on their desk.

I'm reading now about lighting levels - (2008)

And I've downloaded Lux Light Meter Pro on my phone for measuring the light levels in our room. (no, I'm not buying a calibrated Luxmeter).  Luxmeter vs Luxmeter app on various iOS and device - (2016)
People will notice the change in your attitude towards them, but won't notice their behavior that made you change.  -Bob Marley


I've worked with overhead fluorescents, skylights only and desk lamps exclusively. My preference is the desk lamp, because I don't always like a lot of light, except when I do.
I don't feel tardy...


Quote from: DigiCorn on December 04, 2018, 11:20:02 AMI've worked with overhead fluorescents, skylights only and desk lamps exclusively. My preference is the desk lamp, because I don't always like a lot of light, except when I do.

Well that was super helpful.  :rotf:
People will notice the change in your attitude towards them, but won't notice their behavior that made you change.  -Bob Marley


I thought it made perfect sense!
I don't feel tardy...


I prefer no lights directly over my computer (too much glare on my screen), desk lamps are okay as long as they don't reflect light onto my monitor.
My last place of employment, we always kept the lights off until we needed them.
We have them here with the Indigo and out by the Heidelberg. They are always off as well.
Prepress guy - Retired - Working from home
Livin' la Vida Loca


I voted overhead tubes..
but I usually unscrew half or more of them to avoid glare
It went ZIP when it moved
And BOP when it stopped
And WHIRRRRRRR when it stood still
I never knew just what it was and I guess I never will

mc hristel

The last place I worked where we were doing color correction and trying to be as color accurate as possible we kept the lights off as much as possible. The regular lights were fluorescents, but we even had about half of the safety lights(the ones that can't be turned off) unscrewed so they were out. Our color people each had a viewing booth which were generally only on when hard proofs and/or samples were being reviewed. Most work stations also had small personal viewing booths which were, again, mainly used when reviewing proofs/samples.

In general with the booths off I would guess the ambient light would have been around a 40watt incandescent bulb(the old school ones with the filament, not the LED, halogen, or fluorescent bulbs).


I really dont like my lighting at work, its far too much glare, but Im in an open office with glass windows all around, except for the wall behind me and the fluro lights are on in all the rooms around me, including the factory... so i have my lights off.
With them on its like the sun! and they reflect of every surface