Work slowing down. A *lot*

Started by David 1122, May 02, 2019, 02:02:13 PM

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David 1122

Hello! New member of this board, first time posting.

I work at a small printing company here in OKC, OK and my work has slowed down a lot in the past few weeks. Most days, I'm having to make up things to do to make myself *look* busy.  :)
I've sent some resumes and applications out, but so far, just general interest, "thanks for your time", etc..
I've been in printing for more than 20 years, started here in the pre-press/digital printing area about 7 years ago when a co-worker/friend left for another job and he recommended me for the position.
I do some graphic work, but so far, haven't created anything original other than things for myself. I have been updating my skill-set in the Adobe software when I can.
Any help here?



First off - Welcome! Good folks here, glad to have you!

Not sure I can lend any help with openings, on the East Coast here but there are some members out your way I think. If the market is anything like here, a big problem is the number of places left that are viable. On the flipside though there's also a shortage of people like us that know wtf we're doing.
A little diddie 'bout black 'n cyan...two reflective colors doin' the best they can.


It's not a question of your ability anymore, It's finding the place that has the work and is willing to pay for your skill.
Speed doesn't kill, rapidly becoming stationary is the problem

I'd rather have stories told than be telling stories of what I could have done.

Quote from: Ear on April 06, 2016, 11:54:16 AM
Quote from: Farabomb on April 06, 2016, 11:39:41 AMIt's more like grip, grip, grip, noise, then spin and 2 feet in and feel shame.
I once knew a plus-sized girl and this pretty much describes teh secks. :rotf:
They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.
         â€”Benjamin Franklin

My other job


Also I find that with all the printing that has gone to the web (like product instructions) or gone to other countries, the smaller shops are disappearing. It's a sinkhole - fewer shops but also fewer people being trained in or know what we do.
Tall tree, short ropes, fix stupid.


Might want to check out your local EDD and see if they have any resume classes etc..
Also the EDD might have free classes on Graphics programs, all these things help
you change modes, you will meet people, talk about jobs etc...
It will get you into the job hunting mode if anything.
sign up for Indeed and other job posting places.


Quote from: Possum on May 03, 2019, 07:53:42 AM
Also I find that with all the printing that has gone to the web (like product instructions) or gone to other countries, the smaller shops are disappearing. It's a sinkhole - fewer shops but also fewer people being trained in or know what we do.
Oddly enough, we still print a TON of IFUs. PITA work though, they want zero defect... in printing... yeah.
It went ZIP when it moved
And BOP when it stopped
And WHIRRRRRRR when it stood still
I never knew just what it was and I guess I never will


We used to print one that had the recycled paper logo on it. Only they didn't want to pay for printing it on recycled paper.  :rotf:
Tall tree, short ropes, fix stupid.


Shady. And not surprising.
Those compliant type of customers have very high demands and strict specs... except when it comes to themselves.
It went ZIP when it moved
And BOP when it stopped
And WHIRRRRRRR when it stood still
I never knew just what it was and I guess I never will


High demands and strict specs are not cheap. Talk however, is.
Mac OS Sonoma 14.2.1 (c) | (retired)

The seven ages of man: spills, drills, thrills, bills, ills, pills and wills.


Quote from: Possum on May 03, 2019, 11:32:49 AM
We used to print one that had the recycled paper logo on it. Only they didn't want to pay for printing it on recycled paper.  :rotf:

At my last job I was handed a rush brochure with a post-it note from the sales idiot (the biggest idiot of the bunch, of course) "add the Forest Stewardship Council Recycled logo here".

I was suspicious, having never seen the FSC logo on a job before, and went to the person in charge of stuff like this and showed her the note. She was really pissed, he'd asked her for the logo and she told him the owners had decided not to go through with registering with the Forest Stewardship Council, meaning it would be illegal to put the FSC logo on a job. She'd told him we couldn't use it. He left her office and later tried to order me to just do it anyways. I told him to go fuck himself.
"When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro." ...
Hunter S. Thompson


I'm in charge of the FSC logos and overlooking pieces that get the logos on them, here. And there are big fines for using it when you are not supposed too (like any crime, if you get caught that is).  :police:
"Your superior intellect is no match for our puny weapons!" - Homer J. Simpson


At my last place, we used them and we were FSC certified.
We had to go through an audit every year and provide documentation of all the jobs that were printed with the logo or not if the job was spec'd to be FSC.
Sometimes there was either no space for the logo or the designer didn't want that ugly ass logo on the fine work of art. Still had to identify ALL jobs.

Prepress guy - Retired - Working from home
Livin' la Vida Loca


Quote from: scottrsimons on May 15, 2019, 09:06:54 AM
I'm in charge of the FSC logos and overlooking pieces that get the logos on them, here. And there are big fines for using it when you are not supposed too (like any crime, if you get caught that is).  :police:
Interesting, so the last place I worked who used them at will (without being Certified, of course) could potentially get dinged if there were samples floating around, with that logo and those samples somehow found their way to the FSC folks?

Very interesting. :evil:
A little diddie 'bout black 'n cyan...two reflective colors doin' the best they can.


It's actually tied to the code on the FSC logo. That code is tied back to the company that is in the "chain of custody".

Which FSC, and anyone can use to track the forest products used, were in line with FSC. So in the case of printing, the print shop has a FSC number that they use on "their" FSC logo. That can be used to verify that they are a "responsible" supplier of FSC products/services. And then each job can be tracked back to the paper be used back to where the vendor it was purchased from (as they have a FSC number), and then back to paper mill who produced the paper (as they have a FSC number), and then of course back to the forester who harvested the trees to make the paper (as they have a FSC number). It is A LOT of work to track it down, but it can be done. Don't know why you would.

I have seen a printed piece where the FSC number on the piece actually goes back to the paper vendor, which is wrong.

Yes, the company using it wrongly may or may not get a fine. But the biggest issue is, they may lose the ability to use the FSC logo on printed pieces, which could mean loss of business, and is probably worse.
"Your superior intellect is no match for our puny weapons!" - Homer J. Simpson


Is it worse than claiming you are G7 certified when you have never come close to actually attempting to get certified? Asking for a friend. :tapedshut:
Mac OS Sonoma 14.2.1 (c) | (retired)

The seven ages of man: spills, drills, thrills, bills, ills, pills and wills.