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Messages - RMPrepress

Quote from: scottrsimons on February 07, 2025, 09:01:17 AMOur slug is pulling info from the job and Preps using SmartMark as well.

$[Jobname_offset] Form$[SIG] $[SurfaceName] $[Workstyle] $SheetHeight x $SheetWidth $[Color_offset]

The jobname_offset is pulling the first 6 characters from the jobname. As our job numbers are always 6 digits.

And I set it up a long time ago, and everything was spaced out nicely, but looks like I should mess with it, but no one has complained about it. So I will probably leave it alone.

And this way, even when we do reprints, it pulls all current information.
So you are using that info in all your Preps impositions and as a plate slug too?
We need to do this in this manner but we are so entrenched with years of impositions that have a different slug line it would be a nightmare to edit thousands of templates and the endless sigs in all of them.
Might just have to start with the most common templates.
I wonder if RBA could be used to change them...hmmm?
Quote from: DCurry on February 07, 2025, 09:34:25 AMSo if Prinergy lets you rename page sets now, does it also let you change the number of pages in a set? That used to bug me.
Ahhhh... that would be a no.
I agree it does suck sometimes.
Quote from: Joe on February 04, 2025, 11:30:43 AMIt depends if Prinergy is pulling the info from the imposition or pageset for the plate identifier info. If it takes them from the impo there is no need to create a new pageset other than if the pageset contains the old job number it might be confusing for someone else to come along into the job. Not really sure about the resetting intent information. I always ignored it and did what I wanted. LOL My experience in Prinergy is 3 years old now though so things might have changed that I am unaware of.
Yeah, well as of Prinergy 10 I think it was you can rename pagesets, so really there is no need to create another pageset and then copy the old page assignments.  In our case we use the impo name as the identifier on our preps slugs and on our JOB ID's anyway.

I really like born2print's idea on the naming of the impo's being F1 or F2-6 and then the job name getting populated in front of that.
Does that happen on the preps impo slug too as well as the Job ID?
Does the platesetter see it that way too etc?
Thanks Joe, so what you are saying I believe is the second option that i originally wrote.
Meaning once you have copied or imported the job and renamed it then you would go to the Signatures and choose the impo that you want to rename and right click edit impostion...

We also know you could right click on the old impo and choose signature selection option and rename the impo there and either choose the existing page set which gives a warning about resetting intent information or create a new page set which would seem to be a dangerous option that also adds another step because you need to now copy the pages in the old page set to that new one.

What would be the concern with not creating a new page set at the point?  what is the warning about resetting intent information all about?
Yeah its all about getting the new job # on the files for plating and for the slugs on the plates and the preps slug lines etc.
I know another way is to use a Job name instead of impo name in the preps slug and then editing the process template to use that job name also but that is also a pain and is not always an option if there are multiple impo's in a single job

BTW... love your B52's Planet Claire reference in your profile.
Looking for some insight on how prinergy users handle exact reprint jobs.

Specifically how do you go about getting new job #'s on old signatures/seperations and imposed PDF's etc.

Curently from workshop we copy the old job if it still lives the jobs or we import from backups if not and rename with new job #.
Then we go to the signatures and right click or command L we import the .job all the way back from the job we just copied. We do that by navigating to the old job from the import job pop up window by going to the jobs folder and opening that previous job from there we go to the Transient Layout folder or the Sysytem/Imposition plan folder and then import the .job we need and rename with new number and choose the existing page set we need and then hit ok and thats it.

Does that make any sense...LOL.  That all happens very quickly although it seems like a lot.
Is that the best way?   It is a must for us to get the file name and slugs on the jobs to have the current job number.

We also know you could right click on the old impo and choose signature selection option and rename the impo there and either choose the existing page set which gives a warning about resetting intent information or create a new page set which would seem to be a dangerous option that also adds another step because you need to now copy the pages in the old page set to that new one.
Kodak Preps / Re: prep 5.3.3 window installer
December 17, 2024, 03:42:41 PM
I have the original packaging and install discs for Preps 5.1 and/or 5.0.
I also have the 5.3 update installer for Windows and the 5.2 update packaged install disc.
Having the same issue here, once or twice a month a random cartridge will not be seen and we just reseat it and all is well.
My assumption is that our P9000 is getting a little long in the tooth.
We did update the Firmware back in July 2023... it is the last update that Epson put out.
We do pay for Epson support but the problem is not really that serious that we need to call.
I believe the Kodak Sonora Xtra plate has fixed the issue with the image being too light.
Or at least it is better.  We will see next week when we test.
I can officially confirm that Heidelberg is now using the Kodak Sonora Xtra as it's process free plate offering to its customers.
Just had our Heidelberg rep in here yesterday and we are going to be testing the Sonora Xtra through our Supersetter 106 CTP.
Then onto our 40 inch Heidelberg press's.
I had heard this before about Kodak and Heidelberg and i just got confirmation of it from a former Heidelberg offset press tech who was in our shop last week.
BUT....maybe he was confusing Kodak with AGFA.....who knows.

I just recently found out that Kodak supplies Heidelberg with all their plates.
At least in America anyway.
So I am sure Heidelberg is passing along even more cost to its plate customers after buying from Kodak to just make some profit.  Heidelberg is brutal with their upcharges on everything and anything they can slap their name onto.

I get frequent emails like this from Jim Continenza CEO at Kodak about the Fuji plate situation...

Back in 2017 - 2018 we had the Kodak Sonora XP and it was a struggle getting the makeready sheets to cleanup within the first 10 sheets as Kodak would tout as the norm. Also we were getting contamination problems in fountain solution.
We ended up in a bit of a back and forth with Kodak and the pressroom manager gave their plates the boot.

I here ya on both your complaints, we hated that we could hardly see the image or text etc. and could not delete anything off the plate without the whole area getting contaminated.

We are revisiting bringing them back in since the technology has improved.
They have a new plate now too called the Sonora XTRA.
Anyone here using Kodak's process free plate, the Sonora XP or the Sonora XTRA?
Are they really rinsing or washing off during makeready in 5-10 sheets?
Are they contaminating the water?
Enfocus / Re: Pitstop 2024
June 17, 2024, 06:43:49 AM
Here is a link about Pistop WGM...

We have used this for at 8-9 years now.
No license's at the work station's the single floating license resides witht the workgroup manager.
We have a 5 user license.
The WGM can be installed on any computer on your LAN but i recommend installing it on a Windows 11 PC or Windows Server 2019.
We currently have it installed on our lone Windows 11 station in prepress that also hosts our Fiery Hot Folders for printing lasers to Konica Minolta c300 w/Fiery Rip. The computer will need to be left on all the time.