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Messages - DigiCorn

The Rest... / Re: FusionPro Output by Qty Sets
February 06, 2025, 11:02:31 AM
FP is good for, say, up to 50,000... maybe 100,000 records. XMPie is good for stuff bigger than that. If you have a local XMPie server, than that's good... but the price tag is probably about 10x higher than FP.
The Rest... / Re: FusionPro Output by Qty Sets
February 06, 2025, 10:16:37 AM
I've worked with FusionPro and I've worked with XMPie and believe you me, FP is so much easier to deal with it's not even funny. Yeah, you do have to script a bit to do some special stuff, and it's not as powerful as XMPie, but if you're working with a small amount of records you can run it all locally instead of uploading to here and downloading from there. Also, you can preview while you're working instead of having to jump through a bunch of hoops first.
Quote from: born2print on January 28, 2025, 12:54:19 PMIsn't that a Chuck Berry song?
That's My Dingaling (not My Dingbat)
That's the point when I go," fuck this shit. I'm outta here," and then I take a handful of phenobarbital prescribed for my dog's epilepsy.
In printing, I am just waiting for the day when someone sends me a book, typed entirely in wingdings, with a note that says, "I goofed up and didn't have time to change the font. Can you just decipher it for me?" And it's a 400 page pdf with placed .pngs of all the text.
Quote from: scottrsimons on January 24, 2025, 11:52:28 AMYou nailed the way it works. I'm bad at putting it to words. So thanks for that.
I haven't touched FusionPro in over 10 years, but I've tried to stay current on its abilities. What I was trying to figure out is if there's a way you could import a list into to InDesign and then create a script or automation that takes the text and outlines it into a compound path and then insert the image into the path... or perhaps create the image on the parent page and mask it with the variable path.

I just imported a .csv into InDesign, with the text formatted the size I wanted. I outlined it and inserted a photo into the path and it worked. I'm fairly certain the path can be automated using Data Merge to insert an image. But I need someone more skilled at scripting and Data Merge than I am to figure out how to automate the process.

It might be that you have to create a first merge for the text in InDesign and outline it into a compound path. Then insert the image with FP in Acrobat? My head hurts...
Yes... kind of. I know in Expressions you can "build your own font alphabet," so using that method, you could create multiple images for each letter and Fusion Pro could be told to randomly decide which version of the letter to place. Basically if you created 6 different "A"s, callback one might be A v3 and callback two might be A v6, callback three A v2 and so on. I suppose by random chance you could get two of the same image/font next to each other. But I don't think this method would work for what you're looking for because you want a continuous image throughout the name and not random pieces.
Digital Printing / Re: Envelope Printer
January 21, 2025, 03:09:57 PM
I've run the Xante Impressia before at my old job. Not too impressed. Pretty sure we're just going to get another IntoPrint because the cost os right, our guys know how to run it, we have the peripherals and the front end and it's going to be a huge step up from the old IntoPrint.
Digital Printing / Re: Envelope Printer
January 17, 2025, 10:13:33 AM
Quote from: metromike on January 17, 2025, 07:35:41 AMHow do you like the IntoPrint MP200?
Well, it's currently down and it's slow, and we're being told it might take 6 months to get parts. The newer version is 4 times faster (6,000 an hour vs. 1,500), and is serviceable. We like toner vs inkjet because it doesn't smear or run, and it can get wet and be intact.

[edit] I should add that if you need the feeder and the catcher, it will cost you north of $5,500. That price is just for the printer itself. We currently have 2 MP200s and 2 feeders and 2 catchers, so we don't need those attachments. The old ones will work with the new one.
Digital Printing / Re: Envelope Printer
January 16, 2025, 04:09:57 PM
We're looking for a new one too. But our budget is under $50,000. The bosses prefer a toner based... finding lots of inkjets. Any pluses or minuses to having an inkjet vs. toner?

We currently have an IntoPrint MP200. The newer model of this same printer (fuser based) is only $5500. We already have the feeder and catcher.
I'm enjoying this thread so much... but I'm on Windows only, so I can't use AppleScript.
I'm sorry. I never used Expressions, but I am familiar with it's capabilities, and it seems like something that can be done with relative ease. Like DCurry, it's been over a decade since I used FusionPro.

[edit] FusionPro does have excellent support (or they used to). They should be able to assist.
That sounds tricky.

I was thinking you could create compound paths in Illustrator of all the names, and mask the image there for call back in Expressions, but if there's like 1,000 names (even if there's more than 2-3 dozen) the time constraint... there's no way.

I can't think of another way that would work.
The Rest... / Re: Excel stuff
January 08, 2025, 11:24:37 AM
Understood. I come back and check previous posts for stuff I forgot too.
The Rest... / Re: Connect Fonts Window Too Long
December 18, 2024, 10:54:02 AM
Quote from: Slappy on December 18, 2024, 05:46:19 AMWhassat now?
This part that says, "locations." You can't resize this one smaller?