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Topics - RMPrepress

Looking for some insight on how prinergy users handle exact reprint jobs.

Specifically how do you go about getting new job #'s on old signatures/seperations and imposed PDF's etc.

Curently from workshop we copy the old job if it still lives the jobs or we import from backups if not and rename with new job #.
Then we go to the signatures and right click or command L we import the .job all the way back from the job we just copied. We do that by navigating to the old job from the import job pop up window by going to the jobs folder and opening that previous job from there we go to the Transient Layout folder or the Sysytem/Imposition plan folder and then import the .job we need and rename with new number and choose the existing page set we need and then hit ok and thats it.

Does that make any sense...LOL.  That all happens very quickly although it seems like a lot.
Is that the best way?   It is a must for us to get the file name and slugs on the jobs to have the current job number.

We also know you could right click on the old impo and choose signature selection option and rename the impo there and either choose the existing page set which gives a warning about resetting intent information or create a new page set which would seem to be a dangerous option that also adds another step because you need to now copy the pages in the old page set to that new one.
Anyone here using Kodak's process free plate, the Sonora XP or the Sonora XTRA?
Are they really rinsing or washing off during makeready in 5-10 sheets?
Are they contaminating the water?
New Heidelberg Measuring Lamp Xenon - Lampe CPC
CP .186.3538/02
Spare for a Heidelberg XL-105 w/Image Control

We no longer have the press.
$1,250 new from Heidelberg...sell for $900.00 or Best Offer

I have photos if needed
Random Technology / ePS Process Shipper users?
December 14, 2022, 09:02:10 AM
Our company is researching purchasing an add on to our ePS (formerly EFI) Pace MIS system.
It's called Process Shipper, in short it is web based software that ties together UPS, Fedex, DHL, USPS and all your couriers etc. into one central place and feeds info back and forth from our PACE MIS etc.
No more UPS WorldShip and Fedex theory.
As the Prepress Manager/Default IT guy i get involved in all these decisions and usually do all the research on this stuff.
Anyone out there familiar with this product and its value add.
I see some really mixed reviews out on the web, although most are at least 2 years old.
Kodak Systems / Kodak Business Link and MISĀ 
October 18, 2022, 09:51:59 AM
Anyone have any experience or advice for connecting Kodak Prinergy Business Link to their MIS system?

Kodak has now moved all their Prinergy addons/products to monthly subscription pricing.
We had been looking into adding Colorflow with ink optimization but the initial cost had us dragging our feet.
Now they have bundle it into a monthly subscription and eliminated the upfront costs.
The bundle includes:
1 Additional High Res JTP
1 Additional Refine JTP
1 Additional Preps license
Colorflow Pro
Colorflow Pro - Ink Optimization
Rules-Based Automation
Business Link (MIS Connectivity Module)
Staccato Screening
Anyone have any thoughts on how Prinect Production prepress workflow compares to Kodak Prinergy, Preps and InSite?
Has anyone used both?
We are currently Kodak Prinergy 9.5 and InSite 9.0.2 users.
We also use Heidelberg Prinect 2022 Pressroom Manager and a Suprasetter CTP.
We are venturing into adding Kodak ColorFlow w/ink optimization to Prinergy. 
Heidelberg is looking to sell us on the their version of ink optimization UCR which as far as i can tell is incorporated into their Prinect Production Workflow....can't see how else it would work which means they are really gonna try and sell us on Prinect Production not just UCR.
Kodak Systems / PRINERGY 9.5 is finally ready!!
June 29, 2022, 12:24:33 PM
I see Prinergy 9.5 is ready for the masses....who is going first!!?? :huh:
Heidelberg / Heidelberg Plate Shortage??
June 22, 2022, 12:11:13 PM
Anyone use Heidelberg plates?
We are down to our last 300 or so and we don't know when we are getting more delivered.
Heidelberg is working on it, so they say.
Of course this is in the midst of them telling us there will be a 20% hike in consumables!!

I know years ago Heidelberg plates were just rebranded Agfa plates, I don't think that is still the case.
Thought I would share a great article on the state of the paper industry as it affects everyone involved with print.

It was sent out by one of our owners to all managers at our company this morning,
it is attached here.  I copied the text from the email into an InDesign file and exported a PDF.
I suggest you read least the first half of it.
I know we are struggling with paper daily and i'm sure everyone who visits this forum is aware of the seriousness of this problem.
Who is using or has used Digital Submit and Digital Direct to move jobs to their digital presses?
Does everyone impose at their digital boxes or do you use Preps and submit already imposed files to your digital presses?

Just curious how others hand off jobs from prepress dept. to digital press dept...
Is prepress and digital two separate departments or one,
or do digital press jobs all get handle by the digital press dept.
The Rest... / Adobe Color Settings
September 24, 2021, 11:10:56 AM
sRGB...2.1 or Adobe RGB in your Adobe Color Setting Working Space options?
GHENT 2015 .csf file is sRGB....but I wonder if that is really best.
I think this question is debated often.

We have ours on Adobe RGB and Gracol2006...
This may be a long shot but does anyone have an installer (.dmg) file for Adobe CS 5.5 Standard (upgrade from CS4 or CS3)?
I believe the version is 7.5.
Kodak Systems / Prinergy 9...anyone?
July 27, 2021, 10:40:10 AM
Anyone make the move yet to Prinergy 9?
Have or do you plan to upgrade your Kodak servers to Windows Server 2019 to be able to run v9?
We are about to schedule Kodak to update our InSite and Prinergy servers to version 9.
We are responsible for the Windows Server 2019 OS purchases however.
Just wondering how all this will go, first time upgrading OS's on the Kodak Servers.
They were installed in January of 2018.
Macintosh / Mac Mini for prepress workstation
January 11, 2021, 03:34:39 PM
How many out there use Mac Mini's as prepress workstations?  What are your observations if yes.
I have a Mac Mini 2014 i7 / 3.00 quad core / 16gb RAM / 1TB SS-PCI Express that i am contemplating using.

Right now we have six 2012 Mac Pro's running Mojave....which is as far as they will go.
They all have been updated with 500gb SSD''s and 32 to 64gb of RAM and of course Metal Graphics cards.
Obviously the Mac Mini is not as powerful but is it "good enough" to do the job?

Just hoping to get some feedback from Prinergy 8x users with ColorFlow Pro and Ink Optimization.
Are you happy with the Ink Optimization?  Is it working as you expected?
Also how are you driving your hard copy proofs to your output device, in our case an Epson P9000.

Kodak Systems / Kodak Prinergy Cloud
November 16, 2017, 05:00:00 PM
Anyone have any offerings regarding the Kodak Cloud File Archive and Backup service?
We are contemplating finally moving to Acrobat DC.
We are running 11.0.20 right now on all 6 of our MacPro stations and our Windows 7 station.
We are also running Pitstop Workgroup Manager 2017 and have Pitstop Pro 2017 on all stations.
Five of the Mac Pro's are running OS 10.11.6 and one is on 10.6.8.

What are the pros and cons of moving to DC?
We have Adobe CC 2017 on all stations as well.

All advice and feedback is appreciated thank you!
So here is a bizarre thing we have happening with Prinergy 8 and Acrobat XI.Viewing PDF's that have run through a 1st refine or run through Workshop in any way show all images as low res but....
It only first happened on one of our Mac Pros shortly after the new install of Prinergy 8.
Two weeks ago it started happening on another Mac Pro and then yesterday it started on another workstation.
We still have two other Mac's that do not have the problem...yet anyway.
A PDF can be opened on one Mac and look as it should, that same PDF can be opened on another Mac and all the images show as low res.  All the Acrobat preferences are setup the same.
Talked to Kodak about this 6 weeks ago and the said it was not related to Prinergy.  At the time I thought maybe they were right and it was just something was up on that Mac. 
Know I think they may be mistaken...anyone having anything like this happening?
All 6 of our Mac Pro's are setup identically...OS 10.11.6, Acrobat 11.0.19, Pitstop Pro 13.2 and have the Kodak plug ins for Acrobat.
Just had a new install of Prinergy Connect and Insite 8.We have a problem that I am wondering how others have dealt with.
We have always used a Windows Server 2008 running Access Connect formally Extreme ZIP as our prepress file share.
All Mac operators worked on all jobs including native files from that volume/share.
Now with Prinergy Workshop we can NOT drag drop input files into new jobs because our mounted shares on our Mac's are using AFP instead of SMB.  Very frustrating I must say. Kodak needs to fix this but I digress.....
So the question is are your Mac operators using the WebDownloads or Job folders on the AraxiVolume as your file server as well...
meaning are they opening Indesign files and photos on their Macs from the Araxi Volume?

Kodak Preps / Preps license swap?
July 20, 2015, 11:36:30 AM
If I was given a version Preps 5.2 with a dongle and a License number is that all I would need to get it up and running?
I thought I recall reading on this site about how I would need to get Kodak involved :shoots_self: to swap the license over.

A customer of ours that used to do their own printing in house and no longer does was inquiring about giving us their old Preps.