Looking for some insight on how prinergy users handle exact reprint jobs.
Specifically how do you go about getting new job #'s on old signatures/seperations and imposed PDF's etc.
Curently from workshop we copy the old job if it still lives the jobs or we import from backups if not and rename with new job #.
Then we go to the signatures and right click or command L we import the .job all the way back from the job we just copied. We do that by navigating to the old job from the import job pop up window by going to the jobs folder and opening that previous job from there we go to the Transient Layout folder or the Sysytem/Imposition plan folder and then import the .job we need and rename with new number and choose the existing page set we need and then hit ok and thats it.
Does that make any sense...LOL. That all happens very quickly although it seems like a lot.
Is that the best way? It is a must for us to get the file name and slugs on the jobs to have the current job number.
We also know you could right click on the old impo and choose signature selection option and rename the impo there and either choose the existing page set which gives a warning about resetting intent information or create a new page set which would seem to be a dangerous option that also adds another step because you need to now copy the pages in the old page set to that new one.
Specifically how do you go about getting new job #'s on old signatures/seperations and imposed PDF's etc.
Curently from workshop we copy the old job if it still lives the jobs or we import from backups if not and rename with new job #.
Then we go to the signatures and right click or command L we import the .job all the way back from the job we just copied. We do that by navigating to the old job from the import job pop up window by going to the jobs folder and opening that previous job from there we go to the Transient Layout folder or the Sysytem/Imposition plan folder and then import the .job we need and rename with new number and choose the existing page set we need and then hit ok and thats it.
Does that make any sense...LOL. That all happens very quickly although it seems like a lot.
Is that the best way? It is a must for us to get the file name and slugs on the jobs to have the current job number.
We also know you could right click on the old impo and choose signature selection option and rename the impo there and either choose the existing page set which gives a warning about resetting intent information or create a new page set which would seem to be a dangerous option that also adds another step because you need to now copy the pages in the old page set to that new one.