Illustrator for a Chromebook

Started by David, January 26, 2021, 04:49:27 PM

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any you guys ever use a Chromebook for work?
what can I use for Illustrator like software?

We got a new Chromebook to use to feed a borrowed laser cutter (it needs either illustrator .ai  or Corel draw, pdf... yadayada), neither of which run on a Chromebook.

any ideas?
toss the Chromebook, get a windows box?
did I mention I hate jacking with anything google
Prepress guy - Retired - Working from home
Livin' la Vida Loca


Quote from: david on January 26, 2021, 04:49:27 PM
any you guys ever use a Chromebook for work?
what can I use for Illustrator like software?

We got a new Chromebook to use to feed a borrowed laser cutter (it needs either illustrator .ai  or Corel draw, pdf... yadayada), neither of which run on a Chromebook.

any ideas?
toss the Chromebook, get a windows box?
did I mention I hate jacking with anything google

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

You're kidding right? Who was the genius that decided to buy a new Chromebook for this kind of work? My vote goes for "toss the Chromebook".
Mac OS Sonoma 14.2.1 (c) | (retired)

The seven ages of man: spills, drills, thrills, bills, ills, pills and wills.


Chromebooks are basically for internet access only. There's practically no hard drive, and practically no RAM.
I don't feel tardy...


I second for ditching the Chromebook!
"Your superior intellect is no match for our puny weapons!" - Homer J. Simpson


thanks guys, we reached the same conclusion yesterday after I made this post...

am searching for a windblows box now.

they got it without asking me, and I had no idea until they asked me to help set it up.


Prepress guy - Retired - Working from home
Livin' la Vida Loca


Prepress guy - Retired - Working from home
Livin' la Vida Loca


Looks similar to one I bought about a year ago. appears this, like the one I bought, has no ethernet port so it is wifi only. Mine dud have a USB C port and I had to buy a USB c to Etherent adapter to get it wired into our network. I'm not a fan of wireless in a work environment.

Lots of laptops do not have ethernet ports these days. If you want it wired check them out carefully.
Mac OS Sonoma 14.2.1 (c) | (retired)

The seven ages of man: spills, drills, thrills, bills, ills, pills and wills.


No ethernet port that was the first thing I noticed, but this is going to be located in a part of the shop where there is currently no network ports...(future work for me YAY!...   not)

I was thinking for now use the wi-fi for what little work will be going through this, even the wi-fi that is in that part of the shop is a little slow.
Thinking most of the work going to it will be transferred via USB stick anyway for now.

other than that Joe, did yours hold up well for what you use it for?


Prepress guy - Retired - Working from home
Livin' la Vida Loca


Mac OS Sonoma 14.2.1 (c) | (retired)

The seven ages of man: spills, drills, thrills, bills, ills, pills and wills.


The Chrome book is great for children / virtual school.
Also pretty ok for OLD folks with limited digi skills.
That's it, not a proper PC as y'all already figured.
It went ZIP when it moved
And BOP when it stopped
And WHIRRRRRRR when it stood still
I never knew just what it was and I guess I never will


man, just turning it on and setting it up was a pain.
friggen google wants to know all about you, your family, how many kids you got, what age they are... and how you plan on paying for all the stuff

we're sending it back, thank god

Prepress guy - Retired - Working from home
Livin' la Vida Loca


Our school district uses Chromebooks, and they had a few hundred of them. When Covid hit, you could sign up for a *loaner,* to do distance learning. We are still on the distance learning protocol, but we didn't take the free loaner Chromebook. We had an old iMac and i3 laptop we were using, but a few years ago I bought a 13" Samsung Chromebook at the school fundraiser auction ($160 was the winning bid) and she likes it so that's what she prefers to use. My son, of course, has to have everything she has... so I promised I'd buy him one. A few months back, I did... the 15.6" newer Acer model ($60 used, but the shift key is sticky and apparently Chromebook keyboards lack the ability to pry up the keys to clean). For school, they're great. For everything else, not so much. But, they boot up in seconds and with the Google crap on it, I have pretty much full control over their online experience, so they're GREAT for young, curious, kids.

Our school district uses something that they call the SJUSD Portal, and if you configure your Chromebook to use the Portal as the primary login, it's pretty much no nonsense, no foolin' around when it comes to web safety. Mostly it's a variety of simultaneous Chrome OS extensions. Combine that with the Google Family mobile phone app and you'll know immediately if your kid farts while browsing online. At 11 (going on 14) and 7, I have to keep a tight reign on internet access, so Chromebooks rock at that. We put the iMac and the Windows 10 i3 laptop in the living room at a shared desk, so no one is gonna take any liberties there either.
I don't feel tardy...