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Topics - Lammy

Fonts / Font with randomised letters
November 03, 2022, 03:40:27 PM
Has anyone ever seen this before, or know how this is done.

Received a postcard with personalized text. The text was clearly a font and not handwriting. The letters within the block of text were randomized. Counted at least four different versions of a lowercase A, several versions of a lowercase E, and many other letters that has at least two version of the character. Presuming this was a VDP product I can imagine someone set alternates for all these characters manually. Guessing it either had to be some sort of style programming with something like XMPie, or something built into the font face itself?
Items Wanted / Letterpress Items Wanted
May 22, 2020, 10:23:26 AM
Aside from being a prepress monkey during the day, my hobby/side gig is letterpress printing.
Part of this is the desire to rescue/ preserve antique printing items that would go to scrap.
I know a lot of this stuff can go to museums and there's even a few printing specific museums, but most of the time
items just end up for display and never get used again.
My ultimate goal is to open a community print/art studio for public use. There's a local college that has a book arts program
that is all letterpress based that I think can help drive this.

So ultimately what I'm asking here is IF you are in a shop with some old items taking up space, before they go into a dumpster please reach out and see if it's something I can save and put to use.

Heidelberg / Versifire Remote Login
May 22, 2020, 08:26:41 AM
We have a Heidelberg Versifire (Ricoh CP9100), driven by the Heidelberg front end, Cockpit/Prinect.

When the machine was set up the tech setup the cockpit app on my iMac so I could watch without having to stand at the machine.

Shortly after install Cockpit on my iMac stopped being able to connect. Doesn't matter what user/password combination I use it just says "login not permitted"

I called Heidelberg and they want to charge and absurd amount to troubleshoot this since it's related to my iMac and not the actual printer.

Any help is much appreciated.
Pressroom / AQ Coaters
February 09, 2018, 11:01:28 AM
Those of you with an AQ unit on your press, how often, and when do you clean out your AQ uint?
Enfocus / Global Change: Convert to Color Space
February 01, 2017, 09:35:24 AM
When using this global change option for Device CMYK, which profile is it actually using if any. How would I go about changing the profile it uses?
CTP - CTF / Fuji Endurance Processless Plates
January 15, 2015, 09:18:49 AM
Anyone have an experience with these yet? Had a rep in trying to push them. Supposedly no gumming or wash up needed, not even on press. I quote "Impression develops the plate".

Currently running Azura TS plates and they are rock solid. Fuji is dangling the price tag in front of management though.
Macintosh / OS 9 VNC viewer/client
July 25, 2014, 02:50:58 PM
Does anyone have an installer for an OS 9 VNC viewer? Every link I turn up is dead.
I have a server but need the view.
So . . . . with our iGen 4 this was a big deal. With the matte inks it's looks almost undistinguishable from an offset sheet, especially on dull or uncoated stock. What I'm finding however is most all of our customers that are having us print what used to be spot color work on an uncoated sheet don't like the the results. We go through the pains of making sure we're printing the Pantone Uncoated match of a color for a job on uncoated stock, which the iGen does hit very well. Most of the time, however, the customer ends up wanting the coated color. Since it's not ink on paper we can actually do this just by renaming the color C instead of U. Doesn't this really defeat the purpose of "looks like offset" though?

How many others of you are running into this?
Adobe InDesign / Disappearing text
May 23, 2013, 07:35:45 AM
In the last month we've had two jobs now "go bad". In both cases there is text that was originally there that is now not. In the first it is page numbers on three different pages. Text box is still there, but the text is now gone. It was originally there as the first round or two of proofs had them. Second was a postcard where a line of copy at the end of a paragraph as well as the return between paragraphs is gone. There is also two lines of text at the end of the "story" that are just gone.

Both files were previous versions and updated to CS6, but when I try to recreate the problem, it never happens again.
General Prepress / Large Loupe
February 05, 2013, 10:07:51 AM
Anyone have an idea where I can find the style loupe attached? It's made by Edmund Scientific, but in searching their site ( I can't find one.
General Prepress / XMPie Title Case Formating
December 04, 2012, 11:15:50 AM
I need a way, in XMPie, to format the address block of a super hot rush gotta be out by end of day job so that the names and addresses are title case and not all upper case. I can't go back to DP for it because there's 14 different lists and of course no time. I'm searching the interwebs like mad but being very new to this i'm not sure of what I'm finding. Kind of need a simple straight forward "do this" answer.
General Prepress / 2D code help please
November 29, 2012, 09:17:56 PM
Need a program or service that can take and excel file and create 2D Data Matrix code images and put the file name of each image for each record into the file.

We're using XMpie for VDP.
Adobe InDesign / Can someone explain this
November 28, 2012, 04:53:58 PM
Client gave us an Indesign file in spreads for a perfect bound book. When I change it from spreads to single pages all the images save the one the bleeds on the outside move a half of an inch to the right.

Why?  :wtf:

Screen shots attached.
Items Wanted / Viewing Booth & Light Table
November 17, 2012, 01:11:54 PM
Looking for a free standing viewing booth at least 30" wide. Also a light table with both horizontal and vertical straight edges on it.
Agfa Systems / Apogee Prepress Tutorial/guide etc
October 24, 2012, 12:51:16 PM
Would there happen to be a set of video walk throughs or similar for Apogee Prepress? We've gotten a quote for training, since neither I nor my partner in crime know anything about it, which the owner is more than willing to pay. We simply don't have the time to be down for 3 days to be trained on all the ins and outs of it. So if instead I could sit at home with my iPad and go through some stuff at night that would be wonderful!
Agfa Systems / Mapping Spot Colors in Rip
October 22, 2012, 02:24:32 PM
I have a single color job with Pantone 871. The color bar has a spot color named, oddly enough, "Spot 1". I cannot for the life of me get this color from the color bar to show up on the plate for 871. I'm only looking at the separation preview and not actually making a plate. One I don't want to waste a plate just to find out it didn't work, and two shouldn't the separation preview show everything that's going to plate any who. It does on process work.
Enfocus / Convert Spots to Custom CMYK
October 17, 2012, 06:52:49 AM
Is there a way with Pitstop to do a global change and to make PMS colors into custom mixed CMYK values? We have a client that has developed their own mix when their spot colors are printed in CMYK, but their designers still use just the standard PMS values from Indesign or whatever.

I currently have a 44 page book with these 4 spots on every page.   :sad:
Attached are screen shots of the same PDF file. When opened on one iMac the white and black text at the bottom is missing. When opened on the other it is there. When opened on Windows it's there. When dropped into the Fiery as a PDF the text prints squished together and in courier. When printed direct it does not print. We cannot select it with any tool. When opened in Illustrator there is an error about a font missing, but then the text is not there at all, not even displayed in an incorrect font.

And just to add a fly to the ointment. We've been opening, viewing, printing the same file from different machines and now all of a sudden the text IS there on the iMac it was originally not a half hour ago.
Is there a way in Apogee Prepress to set custom CMYK values for a Pantone color? Not a global thing, not remapping a color, just a job per job basis?
Digital Printing / iGen - Thoughts?
October 04, 2012, 02:29:54 PM
Owner came back from a trade show today and is talking about looking into getting an iGen. Any users with suggestions or thoughts about what to look for? I think, from what I've heard, I'd really rather have an Indego 3000. IMO ya just can't beat wet ink.