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Messages - Lammy

Fonts / Font with randomised letters
November 03, 2022, 03:40:27 PM
Has anyone ever seen this before, or know how this is done.

Received a postcard with personalized text. The text was clearly a font and not handwriting. The letters within the block of text were randomized. Counted at least four different versions of a lowercase A, several versions of a lowercase E, and many other letters that has at least two version of the character. Presuming this was a VDP product I can imagine someone set alternates for all these characters manually. Guessing it either had to be some sort of style programming with something like XMPie, or something built into the font face itself?
Enfocus / Re: Pitstop not working properly
September 20, 2021, 05:23:35 PM
Spent 3 hours on a support chat with Adobe for this today. In the end the tech downloaded and installed the 2020 version and disabled updates.

Guess we'll have to wait an hear if Adobe fixes the issue so we can all get back to the current version?
Heidelberg / Re: Versifire Remote Login
May 22, 2020, 01:18:03 PM
The iMac gets rebooted every night and this has been ongoing since shortly after they installed it.

Usually Cockpit mounts all the volumes it needs at start, but I don't see them mounted this time around. Possibly because it's not getting far enough in the start up to do that.

I wonder if I can't log in when cockpit is logged in on the front end already?
Items Wanted / Letterpress Items Wanted
May 22, 2020, 10:23:26 AM
Aside from being a prepress monkey during the day, my hobby/side gig is letterpress printing.
Part of this is the desire to rescue/ preserve antique printing items that would go to scrap.
I know a lot of this stuff can go to museums and there's even a few printing specific museums, but most of the time
items just end up for display and never get used again.
My ultimate goal is to open a community print/art studio for public use. There's a local college that has a book arts program
that is all letterpress based that I think can help drive this.

So ultimately what I'm asking here is IF you are in a shop with some old items taking up space, before they go into a dumpster please reach out and see if it's something I can save and put to use.

Heidelberg / Re: Versifire Remote Login
May 22, 2020, 10:14:08 AM
Yes. Only one login on the iMac and that where the Cockpit software was originally installed.

I can connect to the server's shared drives/hot folders with no problem.

Everything I can see on the front end looks correct and I can log in from the front end. I would not doubt the IP blocking or some permissions setting is incorrect, just dunno where in the Cockpit frontend that would be and since Heidelberg want to charge us to fix their software I'm hoping someone else is more familiar with it.
Heidelberg / Versifire Remote Login
May 22, 2020, 08:26:41 AM
We have a Heidelberg Versifire (Ricoh CP9100), driven by the Heidelberg front end, Cockpit/Prinect.

When the machine was set up the tech setup the cockpit app on my iMac so I could watch without having to stand at the machine.

Shortly after install Cockpit on my iMac stopped being able to connect. Doesn't matter what user/password combination I use it just says "login not permitted"

I called Heidelberg and they want to charge and absurd amount to troubleshoot this since it's related to my iMac and not the actual printer.

Any help is much appreciated.
Agfa Systems / Re: Agfa Apogee X Installed
February 09, 2018, 11:15:39 AM
I thought in v8 they changed logins to be the same as on the server? Meaning, you have to have a user set up on the Apogee server, then use that to log in with the client. Have to match case exactly.
Pressroom / AQ Coaters
February 09, 2018, 11:01:28 AM
Those of you with an AQ unit on your press, how often, and when do you clean out your AQ uint?
General Prepress / Re: Extended gamut (7 colour) printing
February 09, 2018, 11:00:30 AM
Three's another "extended" gamut coming. It's being developed by an ink company and some of the folks that put together the original G7 standard. Still CMYK but brighter, wider, pigments in the ink.
Wanna do it right you should have a GraCol G7 tech come in and set you up. Check with your ink company. Some are now providing it as a free service for buying their inks.
Enfocus / Re: Global Change: Convert to Color Space
February 01, 2017, 10:56:36 AM
Do you have a link to a recording of that webinar?

Think I got it. Didn't realize at first the "applied" windows was not just showing the setting of the selected profile.
Enfocus / Global Change: Convert to Color Space
February 01, 2017, 09:35:24 AM
When using this global change option for Device CMYK, which profile is it actually using if any. How would I go about changing the profile it uses?
Agfa Systems / Re: imposition
May 16, 2016, 09:26:29 AM
In Apogee there is no way to combine a Bound product with an Unbound product. The best you can do is fake it like you did, or do a series of Unbound Folded products as 4pagers for the book portion.
CTP - CTF / Re: Fuji Endurance Processless Plates
January 15, 2015, 10:21:49 AM
The sales slick I have is indeed from Xpedx. Lists the plate as "Endurance Thermal TPF"
CTP - CTF / Fuji Endurance Processless Plates
January 15, 2015, 09:18:49 AM
Anyone have an experience with these yet? Had a rep in trying to push them. Supposedly no gumming or wash up needed, not even on press. I quote "Impression develops the plate".

Currently running Azura TS plates and they are rock solid. Fuji is dangling the price tag in front of management though.