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Messages - (Pre)PressingMyLuck

I'm not sure but when I see the operator next I'll ask him. Only thing is for that to be the issue he has to be treating our files differently based on who created them.
We impose onto the B2 sheet with QI+. The operator pulls it into the DFE and does his thing from there. He's seeing the difference right from importing the PDF, no changes on his end are taken before he can see the issue in the preview. It seems to be relatively consistent between the three prepress operators and how often he has to tumble.
This is a slightly weird one and we haven't been able to find a setting that changes it yet.

There are three of us in prepress here. All have windows boxes, the latest Acrobat Pro, Pitstop Pro, and Quite Imposing+ 5.3. Our Indigo 12k operator has told us that almost every file I set up, he has to tumble because the DFE thinks it's head to toe. Some of the files M sets up he has to tumble, and almost none of the ones set up by J. We all have the same action lists and automations in QI. We use the same preflight profiles.

Is there a setting somewhere I'm missing that would cause this? I just went back to a job J had done without issue and redid it. Waiting for the operator to see how that file works. Files come from all sorts of sources, lots of different custies.

Any ideas? Thanks!
Sometimes I wonder if they don't create the list of default options just to fuck with us users? 

I'm doing this on windows10. I don't think I changed that much from default so I'll just compare to my comrade's prefs when I get it updated. Thanks!
I don't see much in there, though. I've got it set to show hidden files, but none of my custom ones, and alot of the canned ones aren't there. I'll try it, but will back up the hard way as well, just in case. Thanks, Joe!
That's exactly what I was looking for. You the man, Joe!
Enfocus / Backup PitStop Pro Prefs and Action Lists
April 02, 2024, 10:18:02 AM
We're getting new peecees (YAY!), and I'm getting the first new one, so i'm the test rat. Apparently what we have now won't run Windows11 they have to upgrade us. So I'm looking for how to backup everything from PitStop as easily and painlessly as possible. I know we can export/import action lists and global changes individually or groups of them if they are grouped. Same for global changes. But can't find a way to do it for prefs for the life of me.

Anything I'm missing? Or are the prefs cloud based so I need to just stop worrying and have a beer?
The Rest... / Re: Affinity Publisher 1.9
April 01, 2024, 06:42:14 AM
I hope you're right. Something like using a stripped down version of Photo and Designer to create the assets you lay out in canva online, but the standalone desktop tools stay basically as they are. I'm not holding my breath at all, but I don't wanna look like a smurf for my final moments, but I hold out hope...
The Rest... / Re: Affinity Publisher 1.9
March 27, 2024, 09:44:07 AM
Can't see why you'd choose the subscription unless the perpetual version license is going up significantly and you don't have the full wad of cash at the time, or they are saying Canva integration is only with the subscription to both services.
The Rest... / Re: Affinity Publisher 1.9
March 26, 2024, 08:10:19 AM
Time to go sit behind an elephant and wait for it to take a dump so that my morning is complete. I use affinity at home. Dammit....
Enfocus / Re: Select by Region
March 20, 2024, 10:01:04 AM
Will that work for a die line that is an image? Ca you change it's color like that?
Enfocus / Re: Select by Region
March 20, 2024, 07:11:54 AM
That's very similar to what I did, DCurry, but I defined the region on the tap itself. Figured probably less chance of variation across the 600 or so pages there. Fingers crossed it works for her.
Enfocus / Re: Select by Region
March 20, 2024, 06:33:31 AM
Better than other things I could be remembered for I guess :D
Enfocus / Re: Select by Region
March 19, 2024, 12:47:44 PM
Might have to modify it some to keep that yellow background, but I bet we can do that.