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Messages - (Pre)PressingMyLuck

General Prepress / Re: A newb and his profiles
July 25, 2023, 12:08:33 PM
Yeah, I've had some "progress", or least some things aren't as murky. Had a scary amount of time to read this past week. Upstairs wanted dE readings, I was wanting to learn more about the color managed bit. They got their readings, and the rest will be a long slow learning experience as I can with what I've got. Bosses don't want to take it any further, which I'm honestly OK with.

I think the biggest problems we're having with this color is that everything for them was PDF Proofed. And we get the jobs as CMYK, but have their brand guide calling for Pantone, so the PMS became all we had to run to. I told bossman that we need an approved hardcopy and an understood dE standard of expectation. Amazingly, the two machines I tested were REALLY close. But both were a little more than dE2000 of about 3.25 from the PMS.

I'm gonna call it a win and pick up some brandy on the way home!
Thanks David!
General Prepress / Re: A newb and his profiles
July 24, 2023, 01:34:33 PM
Well thank ya. Pretty sure I'll fit right in. Been lurking for a while, and finally pulled the trigger and signed up. Dunno why I waited so long, honestly. Especially since I hear tell you guys have a bar :D
General Prepress / A newb and his profiles
July 24, 2023, 01:21:02 PM
Afternoon everyone. We haven't done any color management here, really. I've only been in prepress (digital) for 4 years, and so never learned any. But we have a large color critical client now that really wants this one purple to be this one purple whether it runs on one of the Indigos or the Ricoh toner machine (not getting into the press/copier debate! it's just a toner "machine"). It is a Pantone.

We have a i1Pro and the i1iO robot arm bit for it. i1Profiler 1.3 software that came with it in 2012ish and doesn't support spot readings, and the knowledge they never got it working back then so it just sat like roadkill. I got wind the bosses wanted to get Delta E readings on the presses to pantone swatches, and it being slow right now, I took it upon myself to figure out how to make this thing work because I'm curious, bored, apparently slightly masochistic, and don't mind stress drinking. Had to get an old copy of Color Port, but got it to calibrate and give me Lab values. Then calculated Delta E2000. All good. That is the preferred version of Delta E these days, right?

What I'm very much less clear on is how to use an ICC profile if I can get one generated. See...that i1Profiler software from 2012 that came with the device? Apparently it isn't licensed for profile generation for printers. Dunno if they will drop the dough to bring it up to speed, or if they even wanna go past getting Delta Es. So I dunno if I'll ever need the info, but I am curious. And want to have the answers already when they want to move forward.

So assuming I get one made, does that get embedded into the file, or setup in the RIP? Indigos have their HP DFEs and the Ricoh has an up to date Fiery. I know it has to be done per stock, per machine.

Thanks for any help!
Enfocus / Re: Select by Region
July 21, 2023, 12:43:35 PM
Ahhhhhh yeah, that would explain why it just stared at me like that. Thanks for that!

Thanks for the welcome!
Enfocus / Re: Select by Region
July 21, 2023, 12:12:23 PM
Funny, I had a similar thing earlier. Tried to create an action list to snag the text by size, then Move Page Content. Didn't do anything. I did make the change in ID and remerged, but it's slow around here and wanted to try it out. For all I know Move Page Content wasn't the correct action to try and shift it over.

Project was a variable envelope with an address block they wanted moved over some.