Letterpress Items Wanted

Started by Lammy, May 22, 2020, 10:23:26 AM

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Aside from being a prepress monkey during the day, my hobby/side gig is letterpress printing.
Part of this is the desire to rescue/ preserve antique printing items that would go to scrap.
I know a lot of this stuff can go to museums and there's even a few printing specific museums, but most of the time
items just end up for display and never get used again.
My ultimate goal is to open a community print/art studio for public use. There's a local college that has a book arts program
that is all letterpress based that I think can help drive this.

So ultimately what I'm asking here is IF you are in a shop with some old items taking up space, before they go into a dumpster please reach out and see if it's something I can save and put to use.


Lammy ~ Everyone says a monkey can do it, but no one ever asks the monkey!

72+ cases - wood & metal type & sorts • LInotype Model 31 • Hohner B tabletop • Golding #7 Jobber • ATF Little Giant • Heidelberg S Cylinder



Brings back good memories of guys I worked with, who ran these kind of machines ... if you could run a Kluge, it was like it MADE YOU a great dude to work with!  :cane:


I sure miss our Kluge. I always claimed it as my tornado shelter in case we got blown away.
Tall tree, short ropes, fix stupid.


I have some wood/metal type and a case, also a litho stone with it's last jobs still showing both sides. I love and display them though.
Good on-ya reaching out to save what's left, so much was tossed in the bin years ago.
It went ZIP when it moved
And BOP when it stopped
And WHIRRRRRRR when it stood still
I never knew just what it was and I guess I never will